Monday, March 12, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

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So... over the weekend I "hopped along" with the SweetSassyDiva's Birthday Blog Hop. They had a wonderful hop that was two days. I found SO MANY great blogs along the way. One of the stops I made I found this gift bag with a beautiful flower. I think she said she cut it from the Cricut Cartridge Flower Shoppe. I don't own this cart yet but I love how her flowers turned out. Here is one of them. Isn't it beautiful?

So... the pic is from Friends Craftin' With Friends. And I found today that she awarded me with the Liebster Blog Award! How exciting! This is my first blog award. Thank you so much Brenda!

 "Liebster" is German for "Dearest". The award is a "Share the love arrangement", given to inspirational bloggers with less that 200 followers.

Here's the to do list for any of the Liebster Blog Award recipients.

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.

2. Link back to the blogger who presented you the award .

3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.

4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.

5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog. 

So... now it's time for me to give this award to 5 bloggers. It was really hard to pick just 5. But here they are.

Lindsey -
Krista -
Hope -
no name -
Cynthia -

Congratulations to these very talented bloggers! I really enjoy the projects they share on their blogs, and hope you do too!


  1. Thanks so very much Angie. I am absolutely honoured!
    One minor problem I am very new to all of this...) - how do I "pick up" the award from your blog?
    Insert sheepish and thoroughly naive grin here...

  2. What I did was copy and paste the blog entry. I changed everything before the paragraph that starts "Liebster" is German..."
    And I changed everything after step 5 making it personal.
    It took me a minute to figure it out too :)

  3. Thanks....the part that has me more confused is the Liebster button/gadget/widget whatever you want to call it?!?! How do I get it onto my blog site?
    And thanks by the husband e-mailed me from work last week. He noticed I received a blog award from someone. And he said he was "seriously impressed" :)
    Ok then. The Liebster button/gadget. How do I get it into my sidebar?
    Have a great weekend. And Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
    God Bless ~Cynthia <><

  4. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply.

    Ok.... So if you right click on the button you can then "save as" that image. I'm not sure how you add your images but since you use blogspot, the way I did it was I went into my design portion and added it to my sidebar. Since I not at my computer Or I could email you better instructions. But I noticed on your right sidebar you have some elements and you can add it the same way you did those --- lol--- unless someone set that up for you. Let me know. I'll be on here and respond much quicker this time. :)
